
DOA adalah sebuah pengharapan kepada Sang Pencipta yaitu ALLAH SWT..
Sekelumit kata-kata pengaharapan, impian, cita-cita, kebaikan, kebahagiaan, kesuksesan dll....

Setiap manusia pasti selalu ingin BerDOA untuk segala kebaikan dalam hidupnyaa...
Setiap kata dalam DOA adalah impian dan pengharapan bagi manusia itu sendiri...

Maka, dengan doa yang tulus disertai dengan krja keras yang tekun
INSYA ALLAH semua apa yang di harapkan, segala impian, pengharapan, dan cita-cita akan terwujud....

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Hidup itu bagai roda yang berputar...
kadang kita berada di atas ,, dan kadang juga kita berada di bawah....

Setiap manusia, harus mempunyai asa
apabila sedang berada dalam kehidupan yang rapuh..
karena dengan asa kita menjadi sosok yang tegar dalam menghadapi segala macam liku-liku kehidupan...

Semoga dengan adanya asa,, juga adanya pengharapan
akan kehidupan yang lebih baik lagii..
dan kita sebagai manusia biasa
akan terus siap dalam menghadapai segala macam problematika kehidupan...

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ConDitiOnal SenteNCes

     Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional Sentences..  If clause selalu berupa : simple present, simple past, atau past perfect.. 
Bentuk umum : Main Clause + if clause

1. Conditional Sentences Type I

     The first conditional (also called conditional type 1) is a structure used for talking about possibilities in the   present or in the future. 
      Type 1: if + present + future.
    Conditional Sentences Type I refer to the future. An action in the future will only happen if a certain condition is fulfilled by that time. We don't know for sure whether the condition actually will be fulfilled or not, but the conditions seems rather realistic – so we think it is likely to happen.

     Form : If  + Simple Present,, Will Future
     example :   If Sue cuts the onions for the salad,, elsa wiill peel the mushrooms..
                      If  kae looks after the barbecue, koko wiil let the guests in..
                      If they all do their best,, the party wiil be great..
                      If I have the money, I will give it to you..

2. Conditional Sentences Type II

    The second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future. 
   Type 2: if + past + conditional
   Conditional Sentences Type II refer to situations in the present. An action could happen if the present situation were different. I don't really expect the situation to change, however. I just imagine „what would happen if …“

    Form : If + Simple Past,, Conditional 1( (= would + Infinitive)
    Example :  If I lived on a lonely island,, I would run around naked all day.
                     We would help you if we knew how..
                     If they told their father, he would be very angry..
                     If I felt better, I would go to the cinema with you..

3. Conditional Sentences Type III

    The third conditional (also called conditional type 3) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the past. In other words, it is used to talk about things which DID NOT HAPPEN in the past.  
    Type 3: if + past perfect + perfect conditional
    Conditional Sentences Type III refer to situations in the past. An action could have happened in the past if a certain condition had been fulfilled. Things were different then, however. We just imagine, what would have happened if the situation had been fulfilled.
     Form : If + Past Perfect,, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)
     Example : If we had gone to the cinema, we would have seen my friend Jacob..
                     If she had taken the bus, she would not have arrived on time..
                     I would have written you a postcard if I had had your address.
                     If they had listened to me, we would have been home earlier.

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aDjective cLause

    Adjective Clause dinamakan juga RELATIVE CLAUSE yaitu Clause (anak kalimat) yang digunakan/berfungsi sebagai adjective yang menerangkan keadaan noun atau pronoun. Untuk lebih jelasnya penjelasan mengenai Adjective Clause, perhatikan penjelasan di bawah ini:
Kata Penghubung yang digunakan adalah  :
digunakan untuk orang dalam posisi subjek (human as subject).
-He paid the money to the man who.

digunakan untuk orang dalam posisi objek (human as object).
-He paid the man whom/that he had hired.

digunakan untuk benda, baik dalam posisi subjek atau objek (non-human as subject/object).
- The car  the door of which I dented  cost a fortune to repair.

digunakan sebagai subtitusi who, whom, atau which.
-The car that is very small   is economical to drive.

digunakan untuk kepemilikan.
-This is the girl whose picture you saw.

digunakan untuk waktu.
-The 1960s, when the "flower children" thrived,   was a colorful decade.

digunakan untuk sebab.
-The reason (why) I came should be obvious to you.

Beberapa Hal Penting yang Berkaitan dengan Adjective Clause..
* Perubahan dari Adjective Clause menjadi Adjective Phrase
1. Adjective Clause dapat dirubah menjadi Adjective Phrase yang menjelaskan noun tanpa ada perubahan arti kalimat.
2. Hanya Adjective Clause yang mempunyai subjek pronoun: who, which atau that yang dapat dirubah menjadi Adjective Phrase.
3. Adjective Clause dengan subjek: whom tidak dapat dirubah menjadi Adjective Phrase.

*Cara mengubah Adjective Clause menjadi Adjective Phrase.
(1) Subjek pronoun dan verb be dihilangkan.

* Adjective Clause: The man who is talking to Taylor is from Japan.
* Adjective Phrase: The man talking to Taylor is from Japan.

* Adjective Clause: The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting.
* Adjective Phrase: The ideas presented in that book are interesting.

* Adjective Clause: Ali is the man who is responsible for preparing the budget.
* Adjective Phrase: Ali is the man responsible for preparing the budget.

* Adjective Clause: The books that are on the shelf are mine.
Adjective Phrase: The books on the shelf are mine.

(2) Jika tidak ada verb be dalam Adjective Clause, seringkali subjek pronoun dapat dihilangkan dan mengubah kata kerja dalam Clause itu menjadi bentuk -ing.

* Adjective Clause: English has an alphabet that consists of 26 letters.
* Adjective Phrase: English has an alphabet  consisting of 26 letters.

* Adjective Clause: Anyone who wants to come with us is welcome.
* Adjective Phrase: Anyone wanting to come with us is welcome.

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DeGrees of Comparisson..

  Sebagaian besar kata sifat diskriptif (descriptive adjectives) dan kata sifat kuantitatif (quantitative adjective) memiliki tingkat-tingkat perbandingan yang menerangkan kata benda.
Dalam bahasa Inggris tingkat-tingkat perbandingan pada kata sifat disebut the degrees of comparison (tingkat perbandingan)

The degrees of comparison (tingkat perbandingan) berjumlah tiga tingkat, yaitu : 

1. The positive degree (tingkat biasa)
2. The comparative (tingkat lebih/perbandingan)
3. The superlative (tingkat paling)

      Bentuk perbandingan dibuat dari bentuk positive yang ditambah dengan akhiran –er atau –r dan awalan more. Sedangkan bentuk superlative dibentuk dari bentuk positive yang ditambah dengan akhiran –est atau –st dan awalan most.
Positive Comparative Superlative
Good Better Best
Beautiful More Beautiful Most Beautiful
Big Bigger Biggest
Tall Taller Tallest
Sincere More Sincere Most Sincere
Small Smaller Smallest

1. The positive degree (tingkat biasa)
• She is an attractive girl
When we speak about only one person or thing,We use the Positive degree.
example :
• This house is big.
In this sentence only one noun “The house” is talked about.
• He is a tall student.
• He is an intelligent boy.
Each sentence mentioned above talks about only one noun.

2. The comparative (tingkat lebih/perbandingan)
    Pada umumnya bentuk tingkat lebih ini digunakan untuk membandingkan dua benda atau orang yang berbeda. Atau dengan kata lain digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa susuatu benda atau orang itu mempunyai sifat lebih dibandingkan yang lain.
 • My car is faster than his car
When we compare two persons or two things with each other,We use both the Positive degree and Comparative degree.
A. This house is bigger than that one. (Comparative degree)
     This house is not as big as that one. (Positive degree)
     The term “bigger” is comparative version of the term “big”.
     Both these sentences convey the same meaning.

B. This flower is more beautiful than that. (Comparative)
     This flower is not as beautiful as that. (Positive)
     The term “more beautiful” is comparative version of the term “beautiful”.
     Both these sentences convey the same meaning.

C  He is more intelligent than this boy. (Comparative)
     He is not as intelligent as this boy. (Positive)
     The term “more intelligent” is comparative version of the term “intelligent”.
     Both these sentences convey the same meaning.
3. The superlative (tingkat paling)
     Bentuk ini digunakan untuk menyatakan bahwa sesuatu itu mempunyai sifat paling ...... dibandingkan yang lainnya. Pada umumnya digunakan untuk membandingkan tiga benda atau lebih. 
• This is the fastest car in the rally.
• Elvis Presley is the greatest musician in the world
 When we compare more than two persons or things with one another,We use all the three Positive,    Comparative and Superlative degrees.
example :
A. This is the biggest house in this street. (Superlative)
     This house is bigger than any other house in this street. (Comparative)
     No other house in this street is as big as this one. (Positive)
     The term “biggest” is the superlative version of the term “big”.
    All the three sentences mean the same meaning.

B. This flower is the most beautiful one in this garden. (Superlative)
     This flower is more beautiful than any other flower in this garden. (Comparative)
     No other flower in this garden is as beautiful as this one. (Comparative)
     The term “most beautiful” is the superlative version of the term “beautiful”.
     All the three sentences mean the same meaning.
C. He is the most intelligent in this class. (Superlative)
     He is more intelligent than other boys in the class. (Comparative)
     No other boy is as intelligent as this boy. (Positive)
     The term “most intelligent” is superlative version of the term “intelligent”.
     Both these sentences convey the same meaning.

D. He is the tallest student in this class. (Superlative)
     He is taller than other students in this class. (Comparative)
     No other student is as tall as this student. (Positive)
     The term “tallest” is superlative version of the term “tall”.
     Both these sentences convey the same meaning.

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Hanya uLfaa Disini .....^^

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Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
some people says if i that : i'm sweety i'm beauty i'm a good girls i'm really cute BUT........ gag semua yg lw genger itu bener... Yg bener adalah : gw yg batu gw yg egois gw yg sk lemot klo d ajak ngmong gw yg ingin slalu benar HaL" yg bs bkn gw BT : - menunggu (aplg d srh menunggu sesuatu yg gag pasti) - gag pny duit - gag ad pulsa - d boongin - d marahin tanpa aLesan - nonton film horor It'z really my life coz i'm not perfect persOn.... apapun kelebihan n' kekurangan dalam diri gw, mang inilah gw apa adanya BUT I LUPH MY SELF.....
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